She’sWrite On Health

I’ve been really touched by the support I’ve gotten in my weight loss adventure. From my family and friends in real life to my e-friends, we all know what it’s like to want to drop some weight, whether it’s 30 pounds or three.

I’ve received several messages of support and questions about my action plan, so I decided to create a page about my weight loss. I’m not a physician, nutritionist or personal trainer, I’m just a regular girl trying to lose the pounds she packed on during her pregnancy. I promise to be honest about my experience, the good and the bad. I’ll share recipes, workout tales and hopefully some weight loss milestones.

There won’t be any get-thin-quick schemes, as much as I want the weight to be gone within a blink of an eye, I want to do it in a healthy way that has long-lasting results. I’m focused on eating clean, balanced meals and regular exercise.

Join me on this journey to better health.

4 responses to “She’sWrite On Health

  1. Pingback: Bowling For Jesus… Um, Kinda | She'sWrite

  2. Pingback: The Blubber Battle: My Second Missive Against the Bulge is a Bombshell | She'sWrite

  3. Your blog totally rocks! This is so KAP: Keeping a Promise to stay healthy! Check out my quest to do the same on my blog. Please keep in touch.

    e. jones

  4. you’r short cut to success… all the best!

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