About Me

I’m a Kansas girl living in the big city. The Second City. Chicago.

Photo by Sarah Hubbell

*If you’re reading this page, you must come over to my self-hosted, supercool and frequently updated blog at http://sheswrite.net. Or click here.


I thought about starting this blog for two years and finally decided to stop thinking and start doing. I wanted She’sWrite because I wanted to write. I write for a living, always have, but it’s been as a journalist. Yearning for objectivity. While some stories touched my heart, others bored me to tears. This blog I wanted to write for myself. To say what I want to say and how I want to say it. No rules. Just me.

I’m a mom, a wife and a career woman, who loves food, red wine, clothes and talking about all of the above. Among my friends I’m the one who helps bring people together, the one who schedules the brunches, girls’ night out or weekend getaways. Women, as my husband says, are strange creatures. We are. We’re strange and wonderful and I love us.

Moreso I love bringing us together. There’s nothing like talking with your girls or even gabbing with the stranger sitting next to you at the nailshop. There’s a connectivity there that’s empowering.

I want She’sWrite to be a place like that. Where you find there’s open and honest discussion with people who share your frustrations, fears, dreams and affections. And you get a little boost.

Hopefully this blog will give a bit of something to everyone. Validations for moms that they’re not crazy, for career women that it is tough, we just have to be tougher, also for us everyday girls that it’s important to be goofy just for the sheer fun and release. And for guys reading She’sWrite, maybe it’ll help give you a little more insight to the strange wonderful creatures that are us women

Subscribe to my blog, find me on Facebook at She’sWrite or on Twitter at sheswrite and let’s connect.

14 responses to “About Me

  1. Megan Poindexter

    NICE! 🙂 Thanks for starting a blog, seemingly just for me, to give me your review of American Idiot!

  2. Pingback: She’sWrite Part Deux « She'sWrite

  3. I’d love to feature you on my blog: http://www.momsarehuman.com as a mom of mah. Please let me know if you’re interested (momsarehuman@gmail.com).

    Love your blog!

  4. Pingback: Leaving The Writer’s Loft | She'sWrite

  5. I know that photo wasn’t there the last time I read this page, was it? Anyway, LOVE seeing the photo…it’s so nice to put a face to the words!

  6. Lol! You’re right, I recently added it. At first I was hesitant to put my pic up there, but then decided to do so. So yep, dat’s me. 🙂

  7. This is great! I enjoy reading your thoughts. You have a very fluid writing style that is relaxing, yet thought-provoking. I’ll enjoy following you, and hearing your voice. You are awesome! Keep writing the writes and the wrongs!

  8. Thanks for visiting my blog:) I’m a transplanted Kansan! Grew up outside of Boston. Never expected to live more than half my life as a Midwesterner.

  9. Hi Sarah,
    Thanks for stopping by my blog! I love how you talk about being the one to bring people together! I enjoy doing those kinds of things too! So fun to sit and gab with a bunch of girlfriends or even new friends!

  10. Thanks for stopping by my blog :). I was just trying to ‘follow’ you, is that a blogger only thing or can you do that with WordPress too?

    • You know I’m kinda clueless on those things. The best way I suspect is to subscribe to my blog, the button to do so is along the right underneath the Tags. 🙂

  11. so glad to have found you thru SITS! love your writing style. happy to add you to my list of must reads 🙂

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