Category Archives: Wordless Wednesday

Wordless Wednesday: It’s Almost Like Super 8, But Not Quite…

Wordless Wednesday: A Big Tree

Big Tree in McBaine, Mo.

This large bur oak is believed to date back to 1660. It stands 90 feet tall and its impressive canopy spans 130 feet. It’s considered one of the largest and oldest trees in Missouri and though it’s survived a 9 foot flood, a tornado, drought and lightning strikes, it is dying. Arborists have been working to slow the death of Big Tree.

Wordless Wednesday: A Lucky Car Accident

In 1996, I was driving my Ford Tempo “Sherry” when a black car slammed into the driver’s side door.

You can tell how bashed in the driver door was.

I remember waking up with the gear shift between my knees.

This is what hit me.

R.I.P. Sherry

I was lucky to have only a broken collar bone and bruised ribs.

Wordless Wednesday: Choosing the iPad Over iPlay

Logan and a couple of kids from the neighborhood had been running around the front yard and playing reindeer games, until the oldest child decided to bring out her ipad.

Wordless Wednesday: A Wintry View From the 41st Floor

One of our technicians let me up on the roof of our office building, the Chicago Mercantile Exchange.

Wordless Wednesday: When Going To The Mall, Leave Your Guns At Home

The doors to the mall in Manhattan, Kan.

Wordless Wednesday: Rustic History

Antique farm equipment in Wisconsin.

Wordless Wednesday: Guess What This Is…

Wordless Wednesdays: The 80s Strike Back

Our ’80s party.

Wordless Wednesdays: Make Me Wanna Holler

My boys are like their mama. They have very clear ideas on what they do and do not like.

Logan at 2 1/2 months old and not too happy with his Halloween outfit.

Ethan at 3 months old, equally pissed at Mom.