The Blubber Battle: Jillian Michaels, Logan and Me

Today I finished Day 17 of Jillian Michaels’ 30 Day Shred. Though I haven’t missed a single workout, I’m not “shredded” yet, but who knows, maybe after the next 13 days I’ll have a body like hers. Ahem.

Logan doing the 30 Day Shred with Mom.

I’m on a mission to lose 30 pounds of baby weight. I have been eating “clean” with five to six small meals each day. I’m also working out regularly and drinking tons of water. It’s not a totally strict diet in that I’m also still drinking a fair amount of wine. If the pounds come off too slowly, I’ll cut that out too, but I love wine so much (probably too much) I’ve got to toss back a goblet or two here and there. (Check out my weight loss journey page.)

I’m not a huge fan of workout DVDs, but with a two-month-old and cold Chicago weather, the easiest way for me to work it out is by watching TV. I chose the 30 Day Shred on a whim, my best friend is doing it and it was available On Demand, so I decided to accept Jillian Michaels’ challenge. Through Twitter, I stumbled upon a Facebook group on the 30 Day Shred.

Thank GOD for this group. Everyone checks in each day to report their workouts. On the days when I don’t want to drag my butt off the couch, I get emails with everyone saying how they’ve finished their work out and that peer pressure propels my blubber into action.

The DVD isn’t as hard as I’d feared, but I just think that’s because I’d previously been involved in a personal training group for several months. Many folks on the Facebook page talk about how the workout kicks their butt and I agree it *is* hard, but it’s a good hard. Also, Jillian isn’t screaming at you like she does The Biggest Loser contestants, another thing that I’d feared. I don’t respond well to people yelling at me.

One evening my 3 ½ year old Logan came running downstairs when Hubby told him Mommy was exercising. He did the entire workout with me and followed along really well. My favorite part was when mimicking Jillian, he turned to me and said: “You can do anything you want to do!” He’s right.

After my 30 days are up I’m not sure what I’ll do after that, I’m still training for the Shamrock Shuffle in the coming weeks but I need to figure out a workout in addition to that. Especially since I don’t plan on giving up my red wine.

5 responses to “The Blubber Battle: Jillian Michaels, Logan and Me

  1. This is awesome Melanie!!! Keep up the AWESOME work!!! I am moving to Ripped in 30 next… smiles!

  2. What is the Facebook group called? There are quite a few related to the Shred, but yours sounds like a good one. I looooove that workout, but I’ve never made it to 30 days in a row. Maybe now is the time?? Go Melanie Go!

  3. Thanks for sharing this post! I ‘m really glad that you joined our group. I am starting Jillians: No More Trouble Zones right after this DVD. Maybe you could try that? Or even Ripped in 30? It’s Jillians newest DVD. It’s 30 days and 4 levels. You switch up a level each week. There is also Shred-It W-Weights. Can u tell I am a bit of a Jillian junkie?

  4. Keep up the great work, Mel! I’m tired just watching you lift your leg. I think I’ll take a nap…

  5. I sat down & watched this workout to get familiar with it before I actually attempted it. I got tired just WATCHING! Jillian is amazing, as always! This workout is her best, and hardest, to date.

    I did it for the first time yesterday…and I am SORE today! I’m in better shape than the average woman my age (45). This winter, I’m doing 2-a-day training sessions: working out with Jillian’s various DVDs @ 4am before work, then running either at lunchtime on the treadmill in the gym at work or after I get home in the evening around my neighborhood. I also do a long run on the weekend. I’ve run 20+ races in the past 3 years, including 7 half marathons and 1 full marathon. I’m not an elite runner, by any means; I’m more of a middle-of-the-pack runner, but my point is that I work out all the time, I’m in really good shape, but this workout KICKED MY BUTT! I had to do the ‘beginner version’ of a lot of the exercises, though the girl doing the beginner modifications wasn’t using a handweight. I did.

    Oh, and don’t be fooled just because it’s called ‘6 week 6-pack.’ You won’t be laying on the floor doing crunches the whole time. As always, Jillian keeps it aerobic, working multiple muscle groups simultaneously. Your biceps, triceps, shoulders, chest, and back are going to feel the burn too because a lot of the exercises are done in plank, or some variation of plank.

    I HIGHLY recommend this workout! Absolutely LOVE it! Yes, I’m sore from doing it yesterday…and yes, I’m doing it again tomorrow!

    If you’re a fan of Jillian’s style, you will NOT be disappointed!

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